- No Cost To You, Huge Plus For Your Participants
This option is the lowest cost to you, FREE!
We do all the work. We Pre-Sell photos to your teams. They are digitally delivered to your teams and you have no work involved except for sending out 4 emails for us. We will need internet provided for us. We will provide the email and just ask that you send it to all the teams.
The benefit for your participants is we provide high quality images of the entire routine for only $50. They can also add HD Video for only $25. In the world of Competitive Cheer this is an unheard of value!
- Small Cost To You, Money Making Opportunity For You
This option will vary in price depending on number of routines and travel distance. Cost start at $750.00.
This option allows your to make money by selling the images. You will be provided with all digital images at the end of the event. You can then sell, donate or use the photos in any manner. All images will have rights fully released to you. Delivery of images will be your responsibility.
This provides a great benefit for your teams. Cost are up to you, so you can provide free images or make money with sales of the images.
- Higher Cost To You, Extreme Benefit For Your Participants
This option will vary in price depending on number of routines and travel distance. Cost start at $1500.
With this option your teams benefit immensely! We will provide high quality photographs of all routines. We will also digitally delivery the images to the teams. These images will be available almost immediately. We will need internet provided for us to make this happen.
In the world of Competitive Cheer this is unheard of! You will be adding an huge benefit that cost most teams a fortune. You can essentially provide what most teams will pay $300 for, at a fraction of the cost. Best of all we do all the work. We will set up digital links ahead of time and provide the images to the teams. All images will be fully released and the digital link is shareable for the teams.